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creatieve makers: statement

[Creatieve] makers is an initiative from KULeuven and LUCA | School of Arts to create a [ inter ] - discplinairy collective practice between [ architects ] doing [ courses ] to futureproof our disciplines for the next [ 5 ] years.

Defining what the project can be, based on the diverse backgrounds and skills of the students, is an important part of the challenge. The requests serve more as inspiration or a starting point than a defined assignment. The aim is to explore and develop an idea up to the prototype or demo level, giving students the freedom to interpret the proposed topic in their own way. External partners should mainly be interested in how students handle their inquiry in an exploratory manner. During the semester, there is no direct feedback loop with the external partners unless the students' project would benefit from it. The external partners are invited to the final jury presentation, where they can see the results of the students' interpretations. If the students' deliverables can (partially) serve as input or a starting point for companies that will take on the final implementation, that would be ideal. The core of the CM3 elective is that students from different disciplines collaborate on a challenging project. It is a space for experimentation, where the process is at least as important as the end result.